There are days you feel extremely satisfied at the end and then there are days when you feel completely demotivated or lost as they end.
What is the difference between these two days?
Why does it happen, that end of some days is extremely satisfying and in some cases, it feels like a never-ending lull.
The difference is somehow what we do during the day when he had time.
If we plan our day properly and execute even 80 to 90% of it, we feel satisfied.
When we go without goals and execute only what comes in our way that leads to dissatisfaction and demotivation at the end of the day.
Can’t we take a break of a day or two from our work?
Yes, you can and you should. But don’t take forced breaks.
What are forced breaks?
When you don’t need a break and you just take it only for the heck of it. We all are different, we all have different working styles, conditions and zeal towards what we are working on. I might feel like taking a break once a month, for you it might be once every week. When we go on forced break, at the end of the break we feel that it was not really required and regret creeps in. So don’t take forced breaks.
Points to be taken care of
Almost in all my posts, talks and write-ups, you will find one thing in common. Take care of physical and mental health. Sometimes, we just confuse taking care of health with taking a break. You can do regular work-out and meditation or other activities, which will add value for your health with your regular work.
Planning your day is extremely important.
Plan your day in written format.
Jot down the core tasks to be undertaken.
Be very specific and crisp about what are things you want to achieve today
Assign times.
What if I was not able to work on my plan?
It is totally ok. Just reflect on it (Again do it in written format), plan the next day accordingly.
What to do on the days you are taking breaks?
Don’t just sit on the couch and binge-watch series(s)
Spend time with family and friends.
Do something which is completely different from your work
You can cook, dance, sing, draw, play board games, go for a walk, or do whatever you enjoy other than your work, go for
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it.” - Margaret Thatcher
Doing nothing and not being aware of it causes demotivation and makes you dull. On the other hand, planning your day and working on it gives you immense satisfaction and make you feel contented.
Neeraj Arora
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Thak you sir for writing on this topic 🙏.You are a different person in ca community which adds value to students in all aspects of life. Hats off to you sir 🙂👏.